Nothing much on the running front over the last few days, of course some people may wonder about my race fitness when i mention the last 3 nights have consisted of spending 6 to 7 hours in Pubs and Bars but that's easily explained by this little note from "Blues on Broadbeach":
"The Blues on Broadbeach Music Festival has not been cancelled however the outside component of the Blues on Broadbeach Music Festival has been due to extremely dangerous weather conditions. The wind and rain and unpredictable conditions have made the risk to the public too great. We will be moving entertainers into various venues throughout Broadbeach."
Yeah, sure enough all the weather from Thursday continued on and got worse, meaning that there were no longer any outdoor venues (of interest to anyone doing the 100K at Kurrawa next Sunday one of the stages was meant to be at Kurrawa Park - home of the start and finish line - it was definitely a heavy track when i walked through it Saturday night, muddy, slushy and more like cross country !!).
So arriving Friday evening it was a case of finding a bar with a band, looking at the rescheduled program, looks like the place i really wanted to be was Brannigans Tavern (with Kevin Borich and the Bondi Cigars later that night), but looking at the queue, looked like McGintys was the logical option.
Just in time to catch the end of Blind Lemon, giving another rollicking performance, would have love to have seen more, but actually working out what was happening was an exercise in logistics.
Next on was Pugley Buzzard, incredible voice, sounded like he was straight out of the muddy waters of the Missisippi Delta (top picture), only distraction being security finding it hard to come to terms with large crowds and small venue (and some incredibly strange licensing laws which probably make sense at other times), was interesting seeing the guards telling other performers they couldn't get in (they did eventually have it all sorted out by Saturday night), and as for the "magic line" where you could dance with a drink and where you couldn't, well it was a brilliant way to confuse people.
Next was Extended Family, not so bluesish but pretty funky, two female vocalists and a lively presence keeping everyone on their feet (and often getting them moved back by security !!).
Last act for the night was Pete Cornelius and The Devilles, sounding by name to be a more appropriate act for Wintersun (more 50's rock'n'roll), but dominated by a big double bass these blokes really did know their music and by midnight no one wanted them to stop.
Couldn't pick a favourite act, as they were all so unique, no real ovelap in styles just plain great.
At least no chance of injury from doing anything stupid on the dancefloor, sore hands (from clapping), sore hips (about the only part of me that really had room to move) and maybe a little too much head banging, awesome night.
Saturday, did get a 10K run in was thankful that all my bits of soreness weren't affecting me, now if only the damned weather would go away.
First stop was the merchandise counter to pick up the latest revised schedule, looked as though McGintys (with a stage that could be seen from outside - as opposed to Brannigans with two stages upstairs and a massive line), and the Broadbeach Tavern were going to be my residence that night. Looked like they had sorted the security issues this time and now what was previously another entrance was now officially a walkway (so no dancing) and with a fence and a headcount virtually based on number of diners, so i was just hoping the weather stayed dry (it was just incredibly gusty hopefully too windy to rain).
Caught the end of Mama's House of Blooz, and really loved the music i did hear, between that music and this weather i was thinking New Orleans at Cyclone time !!!.
Next on was Sure Shot Hunters, very versatile band, great guitar work, bit of blues bit of rock and basically a bit of everything !!!. During their mid set break, weather deteriorated so headed off to the warmth (and indoors) of the Broadbeach Tavern.
I'd seen the James Southwell Band Station Wagon the night before (unloading at Brannigans), but hadn't managed to see them perform, so was interested to see whether this fellow was the guitar player he was meant to be, simple answer is yes !!. This was a bloke looking barely old enough to be in a pub (maybe the mid waist length hair and eye piercings might have got him in !!), but he was absolutely playing up a storm with this axe. Best summed up with his final performance as he climbed the speaker stack and then played it over the back of his head Hendrix Style and then with his mouth, really was something to watch (yep maybe i became an Ultra Marathon runner when i realised early on i had no musical talent - believe me i'd have loved to be doing what he was).
With the weather calmed a little (and still not a hope of getting in either McGintys or Brannigans), headed back to McGintys where i (and a few hundred others) could still stand at the plastic awning and be just as close to the stage as people indoors.
Collard Greens and Gravy, strange name, great band would sum it up, real country blues and the sort of music that just made the hips shake and the feet move even in confined spaces, great harmonica work too.
By the end of their act i was actually beginning to feel my back (somehow i think 4 hours of hip shaking is similar to a 6 hour lap race to my hips and with no changing direction to help them !!), and was thinking fondly of home. However i knew next on was Mason Rack and his band (virtually my local Palm Beach Band), always entertaining and a helluva showman. As usual he played sitting down and had three different guitars to choose from, i'm not quite sure what his music is classed as (supposed alternative blues and roots), but simply there was something for everyone and her is incredibly versatile i guess the highlight to me was when took over the drums and played everything, drums, chairs and the waist high fence in front of me, these guys were having a ball and so was the audience.
By the nights end no one really wanted to leave, but finally we all did i think my body was quite thankful !!!.
Sunday was the official opening of the Tugun Bypass, so that had been going to be my little run for the day but with a sore back decided a walk would probably be a better option. Bit of everything weatherwise and i do wonder just how many accidents the new view of the Airport will cause, but it was good to be able to legally walk on the road and through the tunnel (second top picture, the tunnel, third top, the model of the tunnel, second bottom, the new border marker), even bumped into another 100K Entrant. Couple of downpours soaked me as i walked the 2.2K's each way but still not something you do every day (as for the certificate for having done the walk don't think that will quite make the race scrapbook !!!).
Home via the World Environment Day Festival (a little more music funny enough, a sister duo "Ladybird" singing environmental folk songs, good melodies and good mix of voices but couldn't stand there the whole time with more black clouds on there way and a Richmond Match on the TV (by the time i got home Richmond was 12 Goals behind !!!).
One last night of music and then i could get my mind back into running (the question is am i now sick of the sight of Kurrawa Park ????).
Beach Hotel, got me the last half of the Mason Rack Gig, Mason looking way more rock'n'roll with jeans and singlet (after the suit and tie of previous performances). Great voice and a real presence on stage and still with limited room, people dancing as much as possible, great way to start the night.
Looks like McGintys was the go again, although at this point it was outside again, caught the last half of Men In Blues, which contrary to their name had a woman up front singing at various points as well as a number of guest guitarists. Only 7:00 and already the joint was jumping, highlight was two men playing one guitar, James Southwell got onto stage and joined in, really needed to be seen to be appreciated.
With weather closing in again, the obvious move was to the Broadbeach Tavern, it looked as though Jimi Hocking and Heather Stewart were between sets, giving me a chance to see the end of the Freo V Port Adelaide match on Austar. Not sure exactly what the story was (something regarding their rider - ie free drinks for the band) as i was standing next to Heather and guitar/harmonica player Dan at the bar trying to sort things before their gig recommenced.
I must admit that when i think blues and rock i don't immediately think violin and mandolin but you put Jimi and Heather together and not only does it work it just goes off !!!. At times i wasn't sure whether Jimi was just an incredible mandolin player (and guitarist) or a stand up comedian, he certainly knew how to keep the audience entertained with his deadpan humour, Heather didn't speak as much (couldn't get a word in) but a similar sense of humour shone through when she did. Two encores (and an incredibly different version of the Stones "It's All over Now"), and probably my favourite performance so far (so many different musical styles so many great sounds i refuse to make a definitive call on that !!!), have to admit i've seen guitars played over back of head Hendrix style before but never before a mandolin !!!.
With rain gone for the moment it was back to McGintys for guitar maestro Phil Emmanuel and Mick Buckley and still lucky enough to get near enough to the open awning (bottom picture taken from there, lady in pink is "Little Pattie" with Phil). Guest vocalists kept on popping up throughout, first 60's star Little Pattie, then another lady (no idea of name) and then a fellow who i'd say was normally an Elvis impersonator, they were rolling through classics like you wouldn't believe, from Johnny be Good to Blue Suede Shoes to Proud Mary and so much in between. Unfortunately the rain looked like ruining the party for us people outside (still at least 100) as torrential rain meant our awning had to be shut. Thankfully people were beginning to leave from inside and i managed to get in. Too many highlights, James Southwell kept on popping up everywhere, he couldn't stay away from the guitar and was again doing his "double act" as well as solo. Even the security guard took the mike and sang along with Kenny Rogers "The Gambler".
By 10:30 some electrical problem meant our gig looked like having an abrupt end, Phil certainly looking frazzled at his did stuff with cables and connectors, still 15 minutes later (with Mick Buckley keeping us entertained with a drum beat) we had a bit of showtime left, ultimately running out of time we ended up with us audience and Phil doing the chorus of AC/DC's "Shook me all night long" as the 11PM finish was enforced. What a way to finish, was certainly on a high as i drove home through torrential rain.
Now i can put away the Bandanna and get the headband out and think about running and racing, that's if the rain ever stops !!!!, although a chiropractor visit will definitely take place before next Sundays race just too much headbanging and too much "doing that hip shake thing" for yours truly. Maybe i'm getting old ???, i should hope that birthday later this week doesn't stop me being me, certainly the back last night made me want to swear off gigs and dancefloors but that's just not me.
Interesting footnote, the Tugun Bypass was meant to open to traffic today, however because of the rain the opening has been delayed (what the new road doesn't like rain ?????)