After an early flight back to the Gold Coast it was now time to grab the tent, grab more gear and hop into the car and go for a 4 hour drive to Gibraltar Range National Park between Grafton and Glen Innes. With Trailwalker on the Friday i always knew this was going to be a tough ask but also remembered just how good this area was when last i hiked it so thought it was worthwhile.
After the Trailwalker frustrations a long drive and another race sounded like the perfect remedy so off i went, finally putting the tent up in the dark (after first going into Washpool NP across the road and seeing the most lyrebirds i have ever seen !). Was happy to see plenty of familiar faces around the campsite and get stuck into some pasta before an early night.
A bit of rain overnight and a little cold but still pleasant weather but simply my tired legs didn't want to be there the first 5 miles or so and it was only once we'd crossed the highway into Washpool (where i'd mistakenly been the night before) and finally i felt i was getting somewhere.
Was getting cool and drizzling more and was very happy to see ANZAC biscuits at the next manned checkpoint (thanks Jane).
Once back into the Gibraltar Park started catching up with some other runners and making up good ground whilst eventually finishing way behind the incomparable David Waugh (with 4:33:10) was content enough with 6th place in 5:46:18 just hope i can do it with fresh legs next year.
As for the drive home (after much socialising as the rest of the field of 24 came in) best said it was long !!!
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