Friday, 15 October 2010

Glasshouse 50K's 16th May

In the week between races i'd finally started organising my US trip so i had plenty of things to take my mind of my next race, 50K's at Glasshouse.
Led the first 10K's or so and was very sad to see dead on the side of the road the massive python that i had encountered a number of times over the years, at a guess it was so big it had been run over as it was stretched across the road, probably 6 or so metres long i'm not a good judge.
I had a lady right on my tail, she wasn't a familiar face but Glasshouse does seem to bring out the best of the lady runners so i was happy to let her take over pacewise. Heading down the powerlines was interesting as usual and i knew by then i had some other runners making ground on me, still made it to checkpoint 8 in second place but was overtaken in the 8A loop, was feeling really good but just didn't have another gear, by then i was seeing many of the 50 Mile competitors (despite that being my pet distance i'm simply not interested in a 3AM start !!).
Was passed by another runner on Cooks Hill but felt good and despite passing no one ended up doing 4:44:28 for 5th of 45 probably my best time over that distance there.
Pretty flat after one tough marathon and two ultras the previous weeks so was very much looking forward to Anna Maria joining me from Montreal the next week as well as the Half we were both to do at Noosa the following Sunday would be great to finish a race in only 90 minutes !!.

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