Saturday, 21 July 2007

Mystery illnesses and similar stuff

Maybe one day i will regret the description of me as "Indestructible" in this months Run For Your Life Magazine.
After being pretty much at my peak fitness wise at Great Ocean Road Marathon and Tamborine Trek, i've proved yet again it's only a small step between being very fit and not being well. The cold i had after the Gold Coast 100K's followed by it's recurrence before and during should have given me a hint that my body was struggling a little. From the moment i stepped off the plane last Thursday (12th July), i've been battling with a sore throat and only just staving off another cold (not helped by the damned Melbourne weather), after about a week of this i really could no longer blame it on jetlag, so yesterday went in for a full medical (as needed for one of the runs listed in my last post so i thought of this as well when making my appointment). Won't get the results until Wednesday, i'd hope they all come through with flying colours but after my "mystery results" at the medical check which meant i was pulled at Michigan Bluff i would much prefer to know any thing that is actually wrong with me. So watch this space, i'll definitely have answers Wednesday (and possibly Tuesday night) so at the present am pretty much out of action running wise, although it is at least giving me time to plan ahead race wise.

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