No the title of this post has nothing to do with "that" spam we all get, more a summing up of my training of late. A pretty heavy rainfall this morning set the mood for a very humid run which i began first by running up Tooloona St (very steep) and from then on i just kept on finding steep, hard roads, spent most of the 1 hours 56 minutes in a state of either lungbusting uphill running or very heavy breathing on sharp downhills certainly the last few days appear to have paid off.
No knee pains (until after when i was back home just seized up walking up the back to hang my running gear on the line !), and certainly my hardest running i've done since the Melbourne Marathon, at this rate if i keep up this intensity i'll either be as fit as ever in a few weeks time or have died in the process (not quite sure what any half decent running coach would make of my methods :-)).
Still looks like i'll be struggling to make it for Coast to Kosi (particularly now a potential crew member has pulled out :-(), but at this rate Eden to the top would be a nice easy low impact cruise compared to what i've been doing.
Two hours is definitely as far as i can go without a drink in this humidity (was totally stuffed when i couldn't run the last ten percent of either the Woodgee St & Teemagum St hills in the last couple of miles but have done them both often enough to know i have to be in really good shape to run either all the way let alone both with at least 100 minutes in the legs), so i polished off 1.5 litres of mixed cordial (same as the last two runs - always a good sign of a hard run), i suppose that means now i'm drinking more non alcoholic liquids in the course of a day than alcoholic (i'm not noted for drinking much water so just a couple of stubbies would normally put that ratio the other way !), another good sign.
Highlight of day (other than making it to the front door totally exhausted and virtually crawling upstairs !), had to be the sight of two dolphins at the lagoon coming off Currumbin Creek, lovely sight (and much more appreciated than the stingray i almost accidentally stood on the other day there).
Anyway rapt that i seem to be able to push myself really hard, only wish i could get mapmyrun to work on this pc so i would have a better idea of distance (roughly 20 odd K's in the 2 hours but considering the steepness much more like my usual).
Monday, 26 November 2007
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Running and rocking

The weekend didn't start well, ran about a K on Saturday and the knee just got sorer and sorer, frankly didn't think it was worth the risk so went home.
Twice i've had medical people look at my knee and they have said structurally it's fine as it gets better as i run somehow i question that and today was one of those days !!.
Still the day did improve with James Reyne & Mark Seymour doing their stuff at Southport RSL (as per above pictures) that night (sure beat watching the election on TV). Felt strange being seated at a table (not exactly rock'n'roll), but at least i was at the front with the empty dancefloor between me and the stage.
We started off with Mark Seymour and he did a great set, but i think he was a little bemused by having a seated audience, but no one seemed to want to be the first to disturb security !!!, all the classsics there as well as some more recent stuff (which i now know better having bought his latest CD).
Next was James Reyne and a group of blokes stubbies in hand went up to the dancefloor and cheered him on (and also made some remarks to the very attractive singer Tracey - just didn't quite catch themn but i'm sure they were something politically incorrect !!!). After first song Reno, he launched into a couple of Oz Crawl tracks and finally a few people got up, me included just couldn't stay down any longer, and headed straight for front row (in front of Tracey this time), from then on the audience impasse was broken and we all went nuts, only complaint no "Boy's light up" (reckon Oz Crawl was the first real gig i went to at about age 14 so always have a soft spot for this one).
Then Mark and his band came on stage and joined the rest to sing "Rich Girl" and that is where, again, everyone just let it all hang out, averyone just had a ball (i do have the setlist, signed this time by Mark, but internet is not cheap today !!), for mine the highlights were "Psycho Killer" and "April Sun" but really every song was a highlight and everyone was having a blast (and that was before i heard the great election result :-)).
Today i meant to run with the Road Runners but slept in, so took off at 8 and thankfully didn't feel the knee, ended up runningt 2:15 and going to Burleigh Heads
with two laps of big Burleigh, absolutely stuffed when i made it home but very happy.
This arvo it was the Rolling Stonez at the Burleigh Bears, they did 3 sets but the short first and third sets were non Stones (Eagles, Beatles, Elvis and many other classics so couldn't complain), still their hour of the Stones was great, was interesting to have the 2003 Single "Don't Stop" but the rest were the classics, Jumping Jack Flash, Honky Tonk Women, Brown Sugar, Can't always get, Satisfaction and many, many more had a ball, again a lunatic on the dancefloor (and i wasn't the only one). Even occassionally caught a peek of the Australian Masters Golf during the non Stones set. Now to see how the knee is tomorrow, seem to be still pretty fit (have deliberately been searching out hills to attack - no easy beachside running), so have been exhausted when i finish but reckon it's a good sign.
Still tomorrow is another day (and library internet is free !)
Friday, 23 November 2007
Reckon i know every steep road south of Burleigh
Another humid morning with heaps of thick black clouds and a little rain. Still not convinced i was as fit as usual so thought i'd do the reverse of usual and run the beach and come back via hills. The knee felt good thankfully (although again it looks a bit ugly with a raw looking ulcer? again), ran smoothly to 19th Ave and then up it to the hills of Elanora. Of course we arent talking real hills but steep streets and there are plenty of them, just about felt the heart in the mouth heading up Avocado to KP Mcgrath Drive and was content to roll gently around Pines Lake before heading across Currumbin and under the M1 to Tugun Heights. More steep streets, the ups giving me good lungbusting exercise and the downs giving me some much needed confidence about my knee. Get home to find i'd done 2 hours running again would love to know the distance though as i was stuffed. More box unpacking to look forward to (4 hours of frustating manual reading and playing with cables yesterday means the set top box and dvd/vcr at least means i can veg in front of the box tonight when i've done my share of boxes).
Thursday, 22 November 2007
A bit of running and boxes
Finally got to run on Sunday, ended up catching with the Gold Coast Road Runners doing a run on Big Burleigh so joined them the rest of the way back to their clubrooms. Ended up running a little further than i'd planned and really appreciated the sports drinks back at their clubrooms before running back home (very slowly !).
Was paying for it Monday and instead did a wander along the beach but by Tuesday all was good and did a run across the border coming back via steep Bilambil Heights, still getting used to humidity (more humid than usual at present) but still a solid run.
Had meant to run Wednesday but i came back after a dip in the surf and the removalists were waiting for me !!!, so the rest of the day was spent with boxes and more boxes (and i'm sick of the sight thereof), still now i have a bed and the plasma (only wish i could remember where to put the cables for the digital box and home theatre but by days end was just happy to put the feet up with a beer and watch tv on analog !).
Another two hour run today, back over the border and the hills there and then home via the beach, sadly felt the knee very early on and was a long time before it was half decent and still felt it when i made it home (think it seized up a little bit as i picked up the mail at PO Box and pretty much walked up the hill home - i was too busy reading bills !). Think that's convinced me i'm not a C2K starter (and as for finding crew at this late stage) still i'll see what it's like tomorrow.
Looks a good weekend musically somehow i don't think i'll resist seeing James Reyne and Mark Seymour again at Southport RSL on Election night and as luck would have there is a Stones Tribute Band "Rolling Stonz" at Burleigh Bears on Sunday afternoon just hope i don't do any damage to myself on the dance floor :-).
Was paying for it Monday and instead did a wander along the beach but by Tuesday all was good and did a run across the border coming back via steep Bilambil Heights, still getting used to humidity (more humid than usual at present) but still a solid run.
Had meant to run Wednesday but i came back after a dip in the surf and the removalists were waiting for me !!!, so the rest of the day was spent with boxes and more boxes (and i'm sick of the sight thereof), still now i have a bed and the plasma (only wish i could remember where to put the cables for the digital box and home theatre but by days end was just happy to put the feet up with a beer and watch tv on analog !).
Another two hour run today, back over the border and the hills there and then home via the beach, sadly felt the knee very early on and was a long time before it was half decent and still felt it when i made it home (think it seized up a little bit as i picked up the mail at PO Box and pretty much walked up the hill home - i was too busy reading bills !). Think that's convinced me i'm not a C2K starter (and as for finding crew at this late stage) still i'll see what it's like tomorrow.
Looks a good weekend musically somehow i don't think i'll resist seeing James Reyne and Mark Seymour again at Southport RSL on Election night and as luck would have there is a Stones Tribute Band "Rolling Stonz" at Burleigh Bears on Sunday afternoon just hope i don't do any damage to myself on the dance floor :-).
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Yet to run as a 'real' Queenslander
Thought i'd better update though no real running. With the removalists in noon Wednesday had intended to run in the morning however got a knock on the door at 9:30 and it was them. By 1:30 they had gone but with the physio at 6 thought i'd get my exercise walking (i still had 200 pages of my Rebus novel to go and i needed to return it to the local library). A good comfortable 8k to the physio in 70 minutes so had a bit of spare time and had bit of a nostalgic walk around South Melbourne funny enough bumped into multiple Bogong to Hotham finisher Richard Rossiter hadnt seen him for years. Had a good chat and actually ended up a bit late but was right as so was my physio. He was happy with my progress and i was surprised how few sore spots he found. Good walk bit of a read and a feed then off to my sleeping bag and air mattress a long day ahead!. Had a great nights sleep (strangely i tend to sleep better in a bag than a bed). Come 8AM i had the fridge man (my 30 years and 10 months old fridge wasnt making the trip) finished my book (love Ian Rankins books also enjoyed the fact many of them have titles the same as some of the Stones greatest albums). Settlement at noon meant i had time to catch up with some neighbours i was sad to leave. One minor problem the bank cheque was in the name of "Kevin", still ultimately was sorted so then it was off to the Gold Coast (funnily enough with mixed emotions after all Bayview St had been my home for 11 years and Elsternwick in total half my life). Thankfully my body handled the drive, with settlement 4PM Friday meant i could take it easy. Had a 2 hour sleep at Woolgoolga before the sun came up and then the last stretch with breakfast at Ballina. Settlement finally arrived (one minor hitch the house keys were on the way from the vendors solicitors in Coolangatta to mine in Southport, thankfully i headed her off at Elanora). Furniture arrives next Thursday so another few nights in a sleeping bag. Hoping for a run tomorrow (if i wake early enough will run with the GC road runners), today was spent buying a $20 dollar tv and also unpacking what i carted with me as well as spending lots of time on hold at Ozemail (could be a month till i have internet access of my own again). Next update will be via Elanora or Palmie libraries after all i might need real internet access if i need crew (somehow i think Coast to Kosi is becoming a more realistic proposition).
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Maybe my last Gunn Run ??? but faster than i'd believe
Looked like another day when i was paying for the excesses of the previous day, or maybe all my muscles are just fatigued. Moved a couple of boxes this morning (so that the Salvos could move my lounge suite easier) and that appeared to be quite enough excess, pretty much back to bed with a book (the second latest Rebus novel).
Not knowing when the Salvos were coming i really couldn't go for a run until they had been but frankly my body didn't feel like it.
Finally at 2 they came (and took - i was sentimentally attached to that suite but really no longer needed it as i have two Jason recliners awaiting me at Tugun), meant i had time to stretch my legs and do a Pre Poll Vote, bit stiff and sore but the sun was good.
Decided when i returned that i should do my last Gunn Run (5K's at Albert Park ) although frankly was worried about running some very embarrasing time.
Made it to the Gunn Island Hotel a little faster than i expected so maybe i wouldn't be that slow, still reckoned anything under 25 minutes would be a bonus.
Well i did shock myself 21:48 for the 5K's (a PW off hand a couple of seconds slower than my previous with a horrendous cold), and around 1:40 slower than usual but all things considered brilliant. No question i do love to race and chase and grind opponents into the ground :-).
A quick post race Dogbolter (one of their special brews) and a bit of a chat, and the hip was stiffening up, ordinary run home but still my running appears to be heading the right way now.
Post lunch run tomorrow as the removalists are meant to be here at 11 and i have the physio at 6, just hope my body survives a sleep on an air matress in the sleeping bag tomorrow night.
Monday, 12 November 2007
As slow as - maybe i'm taking it to hard
I have to wonder whether i've been taking the comeback a little hard, had a very ordinary 15.5 K's at just and 6 Minute K's and was flat the whole way (just like yesterday when i pretty much slept my way through the cricket after my run).
Had a physio appointment at 4 so thought i may as well walk (8K's), on my way there through Albert Park noticed that radio's Hamish Blake was doing his marathon at Albert Park (he'd said on radio that Katie Holmes 5:25 NY Marathon was weak and wanted to prove he could do a marathon faster than her), would have loved to join him for a lap (he was doing 9.7) but it was a bit close physio wise.
The physio found a whole pile of new problems and it was closer to torture than a session, i definitely had pushed it a little hard.
On the way back Hamish was on his last lap so stayed around to be Katie's time by just under 5 minutes, youth and an athletic build probably helped him but still it took guts to run that distance without training. Couldn't resist a picture (above), with Andy and Hamish (on the golf cart), also met Tamsyn Lewis who did the last lap with him.
Possibly spent a bit too much time hanging around as stiffened up again, still i'd hope tomorrow will be faster.
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Another long run
Late night last night, didn't make it back from a barbie till 1 (and even it proved my body still isn't quite right as my calves were sore from playing backyard cricket).
Easy morning and was happy to get some results from GNW before i contemplated a run, left with the intention of doing the 15K Yarra run, but as i was feeling full of beans by the time i hit Glenferrie Rd thought i may as well continue under and follow the bike paths through East Hawthorn, eventually got all the way to Warrigal Rd and was stuffed on the uphill run to Dandenong Rd, better rhythm then but was passed by a girl on roller skates just after Darling Rd and that fired me up all the way to Burke Rd, when i finally passed her thought i'd better ease back a little as it was fairly warm (around 1:30) and i had pushed that bit along. Finally ended up with 25.5 K at an average of 5:43 Minute K's reckon i slowed down considerably from the racecourse onwards i was stuffed. Litre of cordial and feel a bit better, at least the knee was good the whole way but i shouldn't feel this bad after only that distance, still it's a beginning and a good week milewise (123K's running 41K's walking and at least another 50K's just walking in everyday life), certainly nothing like at my peak but a start is a start.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Don't know about indestructible but still rolling along
After yesterdays rest, thought i should give myself a reasonable workout, knee thankfully was fine from the start but calves a little tight. 5:34 Minute K's not great but at a guess probably lost 5 minutes in total having to obey traffic signals in some of the busier bits (and really couldn't push it on Southbank).
Dying to go out and race but frankly i don't think i have the leg speed at present, think i'll just be making do with miles in the legs. Had a chat on the phone with some of the GNW runners last night and whilst i'd have loved to have been there doing it on hearing it had been raining all day was glad i wasn't there.
At this rate i might end up facing alot of very tired runners at Coast to Kosi (certainly not counting my chickens there but the last week has shown i'm not a total broken down has been - and of course there is the issue of crew !!!).
Friday, 9 November 2007
Paying for it today
Come Thursday and my body seemed to recover from my shocker, so did a nice little run that i've done heaps of times (variations of it for at least 30 years as used to do it when going to school).
Not sure of exact time but ended up close to 5 minute K's way happier.
Got back in time to walk to Physio appointment and he was very happy how i was progessing, however then decided to go for a walk, first a haircut (another week and i could have gone to my regular Palm Beach barber but my shaggy hair was driving me nuts !!), then walked eventually made it to Footscray Rd.
Hate to think just how long it is since i've been there, i do remember walking from Footscray Football Ground to home in Glen Waverley somewhere in the late 80's !!, but reckon the only time i was familiar with it was when i was a kid and used to go with my father on the push bike on a Sunday arvo.
Have to admit dad would have loved the new bike paths etc, never got near the road until i hit Footscray. $4.80 for a large sweet and sour pork now there's a bargain for lunch and was needing it by then.
Saw all the helicopters over head so thought i may as well head to Flemington (Oaks Day), did see the actual race in the distance and thought for probably the last time i may as well do a lap of the course. With the races on that lap was going to be a lap of the roads around (ie Epsom Rd Lang Pde, Fisher Pde etc), still you did get a feeling of the atmosphere (maybe that was just walking past the bar nearest the Maribyrnong river ??? - think a few fillies won't remember much of Oaks Day !).
Typically an ice cream at McDonalds Flemington and then a wander home through the City, bit of entertainment at the Crown Casino Melbourne Cup Live site (no idea of the band but they did appreciate that i at least made an effort on the dancefloor) and a wander home, pretty much a Marathon !!!
Certainly feeling it today so taking it easy, almost feel i could have walked GNW but probably better i didn't, big question can i do that 15's at similar pace tomorrow, only time will tell.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
As the comeback continues i get slower
I think yesterdays run took more out of me than it should have, eventually decided i'd head off and do a few miles first problem hit Caulfield Racetrack and because of Equine Influenza wasn't allowed to run on the actual course (i probably could have outsprinted the security guard but doubt i could have dodged his "mates"), damned right knee was very ordinary but i thought that like previously that would wear off, sadly that wasn't the case, was still strugging when i turned back near Chadstone (surely the biggest shopping centre in the southern hemisphere - so if anywhere was going to make me run away from that was it). Made it back home and found i was just over 6 minute K's, obviously the knee was affecting me as bad as it felt it was.
Somehow i think a walk to the physio will be my total exercise tomorrowas i sit and type i do feel a bit better (maybe that's the anti inflams i washed down with a nice red at lunch ????), but i have to admit today was the first time in 6 "Comeback runs" that i simply haven't enjoyed myself.
Positives: No calf problems
Negatives: Right Knee (which gave me some problems with muscles on the left leg as i favoured it so much)
Simply didn't enjoy my run today as never felt comfortable
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
The Melbourne Cup - A Staying test for me
I'm sure anyone who has stumbled upon this blog and has no idea about who i am would be convinced i'm nuts i keep on talking about injuries but then go and do 15 odd K runs.
Today being Cup day, i thought i should have a longer run (my very own staying test).
Didn't run on Sunday as with constant rain (now that was a shock), just didn't want to do anything more to the everpresent cold, but did eventually walk 10K's that evening once the weather cleared.
Yesterday i did a slightly longer variation of the 15K run (doing 5:47 minute K's), and then walked 8K's to the physio. Certainly he found some very sore points (i knew my neck was sore), but like me was happy that my knee was only sore the first 5K's then clears up - reckoned that was a good sign.
Bit cold early on, so didn't start till 11, and by then the beach was starting to get busy with picnickers for Cup Day.
Sunny at times (had the T Shirt off and on a few times), did my standard run to Black Rock but knew i'd be pushing it to make it back the same way so shortcut up Bluff Road (remember i never run with money or drink only house keys).
Eventually 2 hours and 36 minutes later i made it home, still frustratingly slow (5:37 Minutes per K), and the left knee and back feeling it a bit, was rapt the right knee niggle only lasted the first few K's.
Doubt i'll be running that far tomorrow, but would like to think i'm capable of another 15K or so.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
When you can't run you gotta rock !

Saturday and have now done 3 successive days of running somewhere between 13 & 15K's, certainly nowhere like my usual standard but at least it's a start.
People out there who know me also know that there is one other thing i enjoy as much as running and that's a good gig, so last night it was off down the road (a 5K walk still for a few days) to the Prince of Wales in St Kilda for James Reyne & Mark Seymour.
Was there by 8:15 as doors opened at 8:30 for a 9:15 start and it's always a place that if you time it well you get get front row (always the place to be), so was pretty much front of queue (thankful the "Mother Energy Drink" promoters were giving their wares out to us people waiting !), and having already got a ticket (was close to sold out i'd heard early this week), bolted up the stairs bought a quick beer and then headed to my preferred area, had a good yarn with a few with a similar idea and pretty much the front row was sorted about half an hour before the show (not like at The Pretenders there earlier this year when photographers tried to muscle their way in as the gig began - thankfully Chrisse Hynde told them to move or words to that affect !).
First up was James Reyne, have to admit i was feeling my age last time i'd seen him that close was at Swinburne Institute of Technology with Australian Crawl in 1982 a whole quarter century ago, had his guitarist Brett Kingman straight in front of me, James a few feet to my left and vocalist Tracy Kingman a little further on. From the the moment he started with Beautiful People i was just away with the music, surrounded by all us mad fans i felt just the same rush as when really enjoying a race a feeling hard to explain but simply a natural high.
A singer with a an incredibly distinctive voice (i know i have a passion for distinct voices after all the same can be said for Mick Jagger, also other all time favourites like Bonnie Tyler) making some of his lyrics very hard to understand even after repeated listenings, so it was interesting to hear not only him (and i was right above a speaker as well) and the voices around me, have to admit when he sang Slave, some of the lyrics sounded very close to my thoughts on my last couple of years at Dun & Bradstreet.
Half way through "The Boys light up", had a blond "rock chick" manage to find weave her way through to the front almost under my elbow, first thing she did was ask me how many songs she'd missed (pretty sure a bloke wouldn't be able to turn up after the gig had started and make their way to the front through a pretty much sold out crowd that easily), so was left a little more cramped but certainly never had room to do more that move the head, arms and tap a leg anyway.
I'd be honest and say i couldn't recall the whole setlist (though it was in front of me) of me all the songs you'd expect (except "Fall of Rome") were there Errol, Downhearted, Oh No Not You Again, Hammerhead, Reckless etc.
A ten minute break and then Mark Seymour (my "little blonde mate" must have been James Reyne fan as she'd gone off so i had a little more room again), certainly knew a few of the Hunters and Collectors songs and had seen them a couple of times live (that i can recall) but was definitely was a bigger Oz Crawl fan (i think back in 1979 they were my second ever rock concert).
I had Mark Seymour (or more precisely his second microphone) right in front of me he was in front of the middle mike same as Reyne for the most part, guitarist Peter Maslen a little further on guitar and Cameron McKenzie behind on drums.
Interesting to note, that while the first set all the band had been drinking water, whilst for this set Mark and Cameron were having VB and Peter red wine that seemed a little more rock'n'roll !!.
Easy to remember the set list as that's it up above (the top one), it's in Mark Seymour's handwriting but unfortunately i didn't get it signed.
Started off with "Talking to a Stranger", certainly unleashing his powerful voice, "See you around", followed by Year of the Dog (now there's a song with a cautionary tale to remember when i'm injured !), then "Titanic", "Mississauga" and then one i did know all the lyrics to "When The River Runs Dry" now we were in classic territory.
"Walk through fire" was next but then it was the brilliant "Holy Grail", followed by "Westgate" (a song that touched me deeply lyrically as i remembered well the Westgate Bridge disaster and also my father's involvement in the rebuilding), and then (as he put it "if i was in Queensland and didn't play this i'd be lynched) "Throw Your Arms Around Me", by then the crowd was well and truly whipped into a hysteria (off hand The Prince Bandroom only holds 400 odd ?).
Once our cheers had stopped James Reyne had reappearred nearer me and the roadie had put down a new setlist (that's the bottom one signed later by James - no it's not going on ebay !).
Certainly an eclectic list of songs as we now had 6 performers out there, Brett in front of me, James a little closer and Tracy now next to Peter.
Duelling guitars everywhere and some great teamwork on each song.
Loved their April Sun in Cuba, remember seeing Dragon sing it live years ago and i'd honestly rate it above their performance, certainly an interesting version of "Sex and Drugs and Rock'n'Roll " it certainly showed all the performers were having a ball as was us audience (my "friend" was back at my shoulder by then we were just trying to make sure we weren't getting our arms tangled !),
Dylan's Hard Rain was brilliant and then everyone broke loose with "Pump it Up" and then it was all over, a couple of minutes of yelling "encore" (i knew "Psycho Killer" hadn't been played yet and it was on the set list!), and out they came, everyone had worked up a sweat and Mark Seymour was now in a T Shirt.
Absolute ball as everyone had a turn singing the lyrics as well as having a mike thrust towards us in the front row a few times, i reckon i was as worn out as the performers when it was all over (by then it was midnight).
Had a chat with a few people, as well as getting the setlist signed, (both performers were signing their latest acoustic album however i didn't bring that much money with me :-( ), and then a walk home, down bustling Acland St and home at 1.
Did around 15K's this morning, firstly to the Tan where the Victorian Road Runners were doing there first Saturday of the month time trials (bit late for that as i'd had a late night and didn't wake till 7) but then to the Observatory Cafe at the Botanical Gardens to see Robert (i'd accidentally left my camera in his car after Brindabella) as he'd been involved with the VRR run.
Caught up with quite a few people before the run home, which meant my muscles had stiffened up again, still a relatively easy 7 odd K's home to make my distance up
Thursday, 1 November 2007
A comeback of sorts
Having had various muscular troubles since Brindabella and with the cold laying me low as well frankly the last thing i'd wanted to do in the last couple of weeks was run. Today i woke up and thought i'd better actually do something, the cold was still hanging in there but i reckoned i should at least roll my legs over a few K's just to see if i was in as bad nick as i thought.
Certainly the right knee didn't really want to be out there as i approached the racecourse (the first two K's) but after that i seemed to get a bit more into it, probably was helped by the fact there were a few joggers in front of me at Caulfield Park to spur me on, had to do a couple of uphills, so went up Hawthorn Rd to Dandenong Rd (who knows how many times i've done that over the years), down Alma Rd (nostalgically passing my childhood home could be a while till i see it again), and then my next hill climb up Kooyong Rd (again so many times i've done it that there is probably a path worn underneath the paving) and then stretched out a bit on Dandenong Rd again. Did my typical mad dash (read sprint work with oncoming traffic)across Dandenong Rd to reach Chapel St and then across to Punt Rd and my last hill for the day up StKilda Rd to Alma followed by a good roll down to Carlisle St.
In total 13.44 K's, not quite sure of the time (didn't look at the clock when i left home), but at a guess around 80 minutes, so not exactly flying still made it in the door with no further strains and only needed 500ml's of cordial (compared to the 1.5 litres i usually have after my standard 20 miler means i didn't push it too hard).
Back to the physio this arvo, want to see if todays efforts have done me any harm still would love to do some running on Cup weekend but realise i don't want to do myself any further harm.
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