Saturday, 16 August 2008

TG2008 day 3 winner does 6:19 and i break my pledge to not do sprint finishes all for the sake of 14th place paying for it as i type but massage will hopefully fix tonight

Finally a forecast for sun (&10000 motorbikes at our finish because of
a public holiday). Same gear as yesterday but thankfully lost the coat
& bandanna @ 30Ks. Just can't start fast as left knee takes hour to
warm up frustating but at least ultimately unstiffens. At cp3 was
passed by 2nd woman Ria who'd taken a wrong turn finally fired me up &
ran her down. Needed that chase as once hit 18k trail passed 3 & had
my targets on Fabrice (passed last 2ks) & Hans who i passed in last
100m to finish in 7:52:50.

1 comment:

Tesso said...

Good to see you still have that competitive streak.