Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Trans Gaule day 6: firstly i promised a real report just my luck the internet cafe is on holidays this week (Friday next chance): Rene wins again in 4:16:12 (record) i stagger in again 18th in 5:40:20

Last night i had the feeling that the state i was in i would either be
my usual self these next 2 short days or crash out a mangled mess. The
positive was i was capable of running most of the 53Ks the negative
was that every time i tried to go up a gear the sciatic nerve stopped
me dead. Ultimately run down English Steven (a 2:43 marathoner finally
enjoying a shorter distance) with 6k to go & for me adrenaline of the
chase is best painkiller. Sleeves instead of coat today but humid as
always verge of rain.

1 comment:

denalifc said...

Keep running Kelvin!!