Saturday, 23 August 2008

Trans Gaule 2008: Day 10: Leader does record 5:04 while i have one of those days for 7:25 & 21st place. Best i can say is this day is over now, as for the cold up to the cough stage should be over soon (really dont want another sleep like last night,

I spoke too soon about the sun, during the night (after a balmy
evening) we had a downpour. Rapid change of gear with coat & bike
shorts & my dirty New Balances (best chance id had to get rid of Grand
Canyon dirt). Basically my unfavorite conditions, wet & cold meaning
unable to produce enough heat to both keep warm & run so a long,
miserable walk was awaiting me. Rain stopped a few times (more often
got heavier). Finally felt my gloved fingers 55k & at last showed fire
passing Jacky with a k to go.

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