Saturday, 2 August 2008

One little problem

Have had an interesting couple of days, in short (and believe me i don't want to go into this saga too deeply), my flight from LA to Paris on August 5th is now a flight on August 9th. This definitely is not ideal from the Trans Gaule point i view (i now reach Roscoff on the 11th only a day and a half before the race). This definitely threw me somewhat and have spent a great deal of time rejigging stuff to work around it, the idea is i'm on holidays i shouldn't be stressed out well after that change i definitely was. Probably not overly brightly (mmm this is me remember so can't guarantee straight thinking all the time), ended up deciding to taste the "Alberstons" Home brand Rum ($5.99 with my Albertsons Card for 750 ML of 80Proof Rum, an irresistible temptation for a stressed out rum loving bloke like me), well i admit it's not exactly in the league of Bundy but not actually that bad a drop and great value dollar for dollar. So today at least i've got the stress out of the system and am feeling somewhat more content (i should have an interesting phone bill - i was feeling a little homesick after the flight change dramas combined with rum - apologies for any ramblings as far as i can recall it was pretty much the unedited version of this blog !!!).
Anyway it's up north to San Francisco today, for the Skyline 50K on Sunday will be good to get one more run under my belt before France.

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