Monday, 25 August 2008

Trans Gaule 2008: Day 12: I exorcise some 2006 demons to finish 12th in 8:05 while Rene continues his rampage in 6:43. Again i prove i can handle "cold & crisp" as opposed to "cold & wet/miserable". Cold has almost gone & only injury a heavily bliste

Didnt really know whether i was looking forward to today or not, in
2006 it was my "endless day of hell" as i took 10:50 to cart my fever
ridden body through the 75k. This time had a great sleep & was
comfortable in a cold & crisp 6degrees with thermal top & reflective
vest over my usual gear. Started off fast as i knew id walk much of
the last uphill 12k, being 7th at the first aid. Was passed by a few
but knew id catch some (ultimately 2 in last half). Beautiful scenery
as we went down to Dordogne River.

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